What kind of chickens are these?


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2015
So some lady at my moms work got eggs from a farmer down the road for her kids to hatch out chicks. Well things came up and they couldn't keep them so I took them. 4 of the 6 turned out to be roosters and I can't keep roosters where I live so i had to get rid for them. At first I thought these 2 were speckled Sussex but now I'm not so sure. Does anyone know what kind of chickens these are?

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They're mixed breed hens. could be a mix of something Red and something partridge or black breasted red, some wild-type coloring. Either way, they're both hens and look like they should be nice layers of brown eggs for you
Well good, that's what I have them for to lay some nice eggs!:) however I say they are about 21 weeks old and I have no eggs from them, and no eggs from my bantam who are 22 weeks now

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