What kind of chicks are these?


7 Years
Dec 1, 2012
Frierson, La
You can imagine my surprise when the Barred Rock hatching eggs I bought off eBay hatched these chicks. Can someone tell me what they are? I tried contacting the breeder but he hasn't gotten back with me. I'm not mad, would just love to know what they are. 4 of them have dots on their heads. Total mystery to me. Thx.
The little yellow ones look a lot like the grocery store ones I hatched. They were Rock Island brand from Safeway. Cute chicks!!

These are a couple of my chicks.

You can imagine my surprise when the Barred Rock hatching eggs I bought off eBay hatched these chicks. Can someone tell me what they are? I tried contacting the breeder but he hasn't gotten back with me. I'm not mad, would just love to know what they are.

4 of them have dots on their heads. Total mystery to me. Thx.
They look like mixed breeds as of now, I would wait about 6 weeks and post new pics
most chicks with dots on the heads are sex linked somehow either through the size of the dot or their color, hope the guy gets back up with you on them as I havent seen any of that color with head dots before
most chicks with dots on the heads are sex linked somehow either through the size of the dot or their color, hope the guy gets back up with you on them as I havent seen any of that color with head dots before
Thats why I'm saying mixed, I thought the chicks with dots on their heads were Barred Rocks or Black SexLinks ?
love to see what they turn out to look like a red or brown barred bird would look awsome

Wellll, what had happened was.....I got my Barred Rock eggs and Rhodebar eggs mixed up. I had RB and BR written on them sooooo...... My rhodebar eggs hatched out black with white dot on their heads. Lolol. I'm not the brightest light on the street.

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