What kind of chicks do i have? Are my predictions correct?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 26, 2011
Hello, chicks are hatching out of my incubator this very moment.... i so far have nine, more are coming....

three are black, the rest are yellow/brownish.

I predict that they are
black sex links
barred rocks
leghorn/RiR mix

The eggs i got are from White leghorn roos mixed with RIR hens, and black sex link, barred rock, australorp hens mixed with barred rock roo, and wyanndot roo.
if you have sex links nothing you breed to them will give you a sex link as they are a one time breed. and i think for a red sex link you have to have a red roo with white hens. the only ones that might be pure are the barred rocks depending on who the domanat roo is.

this is just a guess....

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