What kind of duck band is this?


11 Years
Aug 4, 2010
San Diego
I was at the lake today on the lookout for a female ducks with fishing line around her leg when I spotted this strange yellow band on this mallard duck. It didn't look like a regular research band because of the little tip on it like a zip-tie. I wonder if it's a duckling band that didn't get cut off when the duck was a baby.

Should it be removed or could it be a research band?

It has a number on it, but I can't tell what the company or research facility it came from. I don't want to remove it if it's for research. I don't like that sharp end sticking out like that, though.

Here is the duck I saw it on:


Here is a close-up of the band:

Does it have a number on it, i can't tell? Looks just like a yellow zip tie to me. I use colored zip ties around here to identify my birds by the color of band there wearing.
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I see a number 58 on it. It appears to be a fairly young duck, but old enough to fly, so it could be someone's escaped pet or farm animal.
Most birds banded by the federal government that i have seen has a metal band. So it possibly is just a farm bird. Then again i don't know how they do it in your area.
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I don't know, either. We don't have big duck farms as far as I know.

I was concerned this was a duckling band and it might actually be hurting her as she outgrew it. But, if she was banded this way as an adult, it shouldn't be a problem. She does walk a little funny, though.

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