What kind of duck is this

Golden 300 and by the coloring I would say male.
Thank you. That's kind of what I was afraid of. I guess if I find more, I won't buy them. :( I'll just have to see how many males I end up with, and how they get along, and then decide which ones/how many I can keep.

The oldest Cayuga has started making a quack, but so far I can't tell whether it's a strong quack or a soft, raspy quack. She doesn't do it that often.
If you see more and they have brown coloring instead of grey, they are female.
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping to find, but I have checked many TSC stores, every week (usually call) for the last month, and only came across the 3 blackish ones so far. No brown ones like this.

I HAVE however, run across several brown ducklings like the new one I got yesterday, and assumed they were Khaki Campbells or Chocolate Runners. Now I'm wondering if they could have been female 300's. For that matter, if Hoover is sending out 300's to all the TSCs, now I'm a little worried that my black "Swedish" are actually male 300's. And my Cayugas! I've been choosing black ducks on purpose to get shiny green feathers. But what if I've been inadvertently stacking the deck in favor of males? I'm going to have a problem!

It makes me want to go around and buy up every brown duckling I can find, in hopes of getting at least SOME females. But I don't want to own too many ducks all told. One TSC manager told me that there are only a couple weeks left of chick days. It will probably be a good thing once it's over. Then I can deal with my male/female ratio after I know what it is. I'm thinking of making a boy pen and a girl pen, and letting them free range on alternate days.

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