What kind of ducks are these?


6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Signing off for good. No longer own fowl or poultr
My Coop
My Coop
I just got these ducks last fall they were only a few months old then. Im new to ducks. Could someone identify what breed they might be?





I can post more if needed. The two drakes look like washed out mallard drakes

Edit: these pics were taken last year when they were half grown
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Thanks. There is a pure chocolate runner in the pics i got her seperate. I thought one looked like a blue ancona but the others as you can see are buff and white, brown and white hens and washed out mallard colored drakes.
I was wrong about the egg color i washed it off a little better and its white not green.
Here is my blue and white hen that i thought was ancona.

Maybe they have a little of everything in them? They are nice ducks regardless.
I just got these ducks last fall they were only a few months old then. Im new to ducks. Could someone identify what breed they might be?

I can post more if needed. The two drakes look like washed out mallard drakes

Edit: these pics were taken last year when they were half grown
First let me disclaim being any sort of expert on duck breeds. I have Khakis and Cayugas which are both pretty easy to identify. Your pictures show a mix of breeds. In the first picture there are some that remind me of Anconas but maybe a mix? Another picture I am pretty sure I see a Saxony. There may be some Buff Oprington mix in there as well.

Really nice pond...wish I had something like that but in West Texas I would have to fight of water theives.

Oh, and I think I spotted a couple of Pink Flamingos in one picture. How did you ever get them to hold so steady for a picture?????
They look like mixes to me. Also with the eggs only the bloom is colors and if you scrub or wash them it will come off and leave a white egg. My Cayuga lays a green egg that turns white if I scrub it. They are very cute!
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