What kind of Ducks do I have???


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 5, 2011
I got these ducks from C-A-L Ranch store but didn't see what kind they actually are. I would call them and ask but I also want to show off my babies lol. Let me know what you think!!! Thanks!!!


Here is on of them up close
Mallards?? Really?? I would of thought Pekin or Runner. We have a full white one that is the biggest of them all and we call him tugboat lol he is probably about 1lb maybe 2lb already they are only about 2- 2 1/2 months old. We also have the 2 beige ones a full black one 2 black/yellow (or at least they were when they were little) and a gray one. I didn't think Mallards came in that variety of colors but that would be way cool if they are!! I know I have at least 2 femals so far cuz they quck and tugboat (the biggest one of them all) is most likely a male since he is not quaking but he is not peeping so I'm hopeing for some ducklings next year!!! Yay!!!
Well the pic you showed us is definitely mallard. You've probably got a mix of ducks. The big white one I'm guessing is a Pekin. As for the others I have no clue.
Mallard-1stripe, Pekin, Swede, Cayunga-black, 2 stripes-maybe rouen, what do they look like standing up? just guessing. Whats a CAL store. I paid $6 each at Rural King unsexed. What does that store charge if I may ask?
C-A-L Ranch is a "Farmers" store here in Utah County Utah. We got our ducks for a little less than $6 per duckling. I will go out right now and take some better pics of them

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