What kind of Ducks do I have???

The black one definitely appears to be Cayuga. I agree on the mallards. The beige ducks could be buff but I am not for sure. The white one definitely looks Pekin. The black with white one the front could be a black Swedish, again, not sure. As for the blue duck, could be a blue Swedish??? Just a guess on a few of them though, I would wait for someone more familiar with the breeds to chime in though!!

Edited to add: Pretty ducks, btw!
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So I did take a look at the breeds you told me and I deff can see the little gray duck as a blue swedish so I guess he is not gray lol. Tugboat is deff a Pekin and the rest I guess I will just have to waite and see
. Now I just can't waite to see how many males and how many females I have. Can I keep more than one Drake in my flock?? Or is it like a Rooster where I can only have one???
Well, there is no "right" answer to that question. The general rule is one drake for every 4-6 hens. However, there are always exceptions. Some people have to have even MORE hens, and some people less. In my adult flock, I have two drakes and two hens, and for us, it's worked out perfectly. One of my drakes is much more laid back, and they never seem to fight over a hen, and neither of the girls seem overbred or picked on. We do now have 4 new ducklings so we're hoping to add more girls anyway. That way when one goes broody and sits on a nest of eggs, we aren't down to one hen for the boys.

So in the end, it just depends on your flock, and how it works out. I wish you the best though!!
I love them!!! I wish they had this variety at my local feed store. I'm not an expert but this is what I think:
full black = cayuga
brown with face stripes= mallard (one stripe) rouen (two stripe)
tan and white- runner (I think it is standing straighter than the others too)
white- pekin (tugboat is cute, I just call my big pekin fatty
gray and white- blue swedish
beige- maybe a buff? not sure about this one
I love you guys!!! You are all so nice!!
Thank you soooo very very much!!! Its nice to have another opinion as I was going crazy wondering what breed of duck hatched in such a variety of colors I didn't even begin to think that maybe there were more than one type of duck in the batch lol. I am a little bit worried about Tugboat he seems to be limping to me or maybe he is just so fat he can bearly walk?? Either way isn't that a bad thing?? Should I put him on a "diet" lol that would be funny. My hubby did take a look at his leggs and they felt the same to him. I feel like mommy worried about every little thing with my babies!! My duckies are growing faster than my chicks but my chicks are getting their fethers in faster than my duckies is this normal?? When should a duck have all its feathers in??

DuckiesAndBees: Does Fatty "limp"?? My duckies are about 2 1/2 months old maybe 3 months.

You guys are the best!!!!!
Your first duck, dark brown with the one stripe is a Rouen. I have owned mallards and they have orange legs and much lighter coloring. Your white and fawn could be a runner. They are all very pretty.
If the pekin is limping try putting niacin or brewers yeast on their food. You can also feed them frozen peas- this has alot of niacin. Some feed stores have poultry vitamins you can add to the water. Gamebird or all flock has more niacin than chick starter. Pekins have week legs they need extra niacin. Best wishes.

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