what kind of games do you play with your ducks?

Mine were super affectionate at 4 weeks then just woke up one day and acted like they didn't know us. We've been working on them and now they're loads better and come to us when I whistle and eat out of our hands and they nap near my feet. But sadly, strictly no touching.

We also play with the hose. I put it on a light spray and they love it. They try to catch it in there mouths.
Mine were super affectionate at 4 weeks then just woke up one day and acted like they didn't know us. We've been working on them and now they're loads better and come to us when I whistle and eat out of our hands and they nap near my feet. But sadly, strictly no touching.

We also play with the hose. I put it on a light spray and they love it. They try to catch it in there mouths.
Haha I love he hose thing! I wonder what made them not want to be cuddled anymore? Maybe instinct kicked in and humans are now scary?

Our ducks have imprinted on our youngest daughter the most they follow her everywhere
Haha oh my they are just too adorable! My duckies don't like cuddle time very much but that's ok at least they'll still sit with me sometimes they do love swim time and I always sit by the pool with them my pekin always watches me when they are outside and I go in for a minute she's still following through the window . They cry to me when it starts to get darker out and I just read something about how they have amazing eye sight better than their hearing but the don't see as well at night. Oh and they see green blue yellow and red very vibrantly no wonder marceline trips out whenever I am moving their bright red dog house haha
I never read that about the colors. I always thought they loved orange because they were always trying to eat the flowers off my boots. I'm thinking Marceline is probably more tripped out by the fact that you are moving.her.house - her bright red house lol

That is a gorgeous photo. They are beautiful.
Thanks :) We had so much fun last summer! Watching them grow up is fun but I do miss walking around with them without them running off.

Our ducks have imprinted on our youngest daughter the most they follow her everywhere

That is absolutely precious :) My 2 1/2 year old niece bolts for the duck pen the instant her feet hit the ground. Watching the little ones grow up loving critters is such a joy. You're daughter has to think they're the coolest toys ever!
My dad owned a cockatiel a number of years ago and after some work it was very friendly, would come when called, perch on your hand/shoulder, and was generally a real pal. Then he made the mistake of taking in a second one and instantly the bird turned into a rotten *******. Completely antisocial with people.

I suspect many birds are this way. My Campbell's went from timid to virtually wild first week out of the brooder. Today their favorite game is "run away". They are enjoying their life in their new run by the stream with each other and are good about going in their box at night so as long as they give me eggs they can do what they like IMO. It's a shame since they're really a great looking bird, butt perhaps next year I'll grab half a dozen of another breed that's reported to be friendlier. Being able to lead them around the yard for bug hunting would be really sweet. My chickens are pretty good about following me and letting me pick them up, though not nearly as cool looking as the ducks.

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