what kind of games do you play with your ducks?

Two words: laser pointer!

This is a genius idea!! The video is brilliant! I'm definitely going to try this.

Marcelineduck yeah it's the circle of life super fast. Maybe your ducks will get more interested in bug hunting the more you try with them? I think it's really sweet your little girl is so close and able to touch them. My friends little boy is desperate to be their friend but they just run away and quack loudly at him. He's only 3, he tries to keep his distance but temptation leads him to shuffle over to them. They've wised up. Haha. They only seem to allow me and my partner to be any where near them.
This is a genius idea!! The video is brilliant! I'm definitely going to try this.

Marcelineduck yeah it's the circle of life super fast. Maybe your ducks will get more interested in bug hunting the more you try with them? I think it's really sweet your little girl is so close and able to touch them. My friends little boy is desperate to be their friend but they just run away and quack loudly at him. He's only 3, he tries to keep his distance but temptation leads him to shuffle over to them. They've wised up. Haha. They only seem to allow me and my partner to be any where near them.
they have really taken a liking to her maybe it's because she is always around them ever since the first day home she's played with them they really like her better haha running away from children is normally the first response for any animal I kind of think its her size too they seem to come.to me more when I'm crouched down than standing..
@Amykins oh my that is the best thing I've seen today! Now I have to try it! My duckies are kinda skittish of the food bowl too until they figure out what it is haha. Its so interesting finding out how different each duck is looking at ducks at a pond (before having one as a pet) you'd think they all thought and acted the same
she probably does get freaked out about me taking her house haha but I do.think.they see colors crazy awesome, I.once read an article about hummingbirds (I think it was hummingbirds if not some.other flying thing) and they said that they see colors way beyond our own perception we wouldn't even be able.to.come.close to thinking of some of the colors they're just not in our vision the eyes are so.interesting to.me. that is so sweet, my baby girl is one and she loves being around the ducks but she's kind of a sneaky one so.I have to.watch her, she likes trying.to pick at their tails of push them haha I don't.know why but she loves feeding them snacks and watching them.swim the smile.on her face is completely priceless. Sorry for all the random periods my period dot is right next to the spacebar on my phone and somehow I always hit.it

I don't disagree about the colors and I find that amazing too, something more to research. I get nibbled on depending on what I'm wearing but over the course of the last year every time I changed something up in the duck environment they followed me and quacked among their selves, then quacked at me, rinse and repeat. They can be real little harpies when you change their space :)

Your daughter is only one? She seems so tall compared to your ducks, I forgot the pekin was 6 weeks :) They will pinch her eventually if she keeps giving them treats and they get older. My niece will hunt for dandelions in the yard for ages (in 2 year old time) but she now prefers to be held up so she can drop her finds to the ducks so they cant pinch her fingers. Littles are adorable but they are sneaky. She's in the "Why" stage which I find hilarious. The Aunt thing is awesome, after the 27th extrapolation of degrees of Why, I can just say "You know what, I think Daddy knows!" She doesn't get that close to the ducks but after months of "tails are not handles" she pushes my dogs around the house by their hips chanting "I'm not touching her tail" If we get hatchlings this week I'll get some of those priceless moments watching her watch them :)
It's true, ducks can see the full spectrum of colors just like a person can. I dunno if they see UV light like some other birds can, though. I don't think they do? But yeah, they love colorful things!
I don't disagree about the colors and I find that amazing too, something more to research.  I get nibbled on depending on what I'm wearing but over the course of the last year every time I changed something up in the duck environment they followed me and quacked among their selves, then quacked at me, rinse and repeat.  They can be real little harpies when you change their space :)

Your daughter is only one?  She seems so tall compared to your ducks, I forgot the pekin was 6 weeks :)  They will pinch her eventually if she keeps giving them treats and they get older.  My niece will hunt for dandelions in the yard for ages (in 2 year old time) but she now prefers to be held up so she can drop her finds to the ducks so they cant pinch her fingers.  Littles are adorable but they are sneaky.  She's in the "Why" stage which I find hilarious.  The Aunt thing is awesome, after the 27th extrapolation of degrees of Why, I can just say "You know what, I think Daddy knows!"  She doesn't get that close to the ducks but after months of "tails are not handles" she pushes my dogs around the house by their hips chanting "I'm not touching her tail"  If we get hatchlings this week I'll get some of those priceless moments watching her watch them :)
haha yeah i try to keep their spot as familiar as possible I've switched it a little moved the water and food farther from were they rest at first they did have a problem with me but soon got over it. I wish I could see through a birds eye, really through any animals eye that would be so cool.
Yeah she's about one and almost a half its funny you say she's tall! Everyone always calls her a short girl me being 5 ft 2 I wouldn't doubt her being my small girl. She actually thinks it's hilarious when they peck at her I know as they get older it will hurt more though so we'll have to watch that maybe I can teach them "be nice" it worked for the dogs they will not snatch anything from people's hand they will slowly and gently take it haha it's pretty nice . I love the why stage too, at times it's a little messy and exhausting but learning is important right now as I'm.writing this she is sitting in the dirt picking it up throwing it and sometimes trying to sneak a taste, ewww I always know something's up when she's not yelling mom mom look or when she's turned away from me haha quietness is mischievous. Haha your niece sounds adorable hopefully you get those hatching so I can see those precious pictures!!
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It's true, ducks can see the full spectrum of colors just like a person can. I dunno if they see UV light like some other birds can, though. I don't think they do? But yeah, they love colorful things!
I think I'll gather my children and perform and experiment we could set out or hold different colored snacks or toys and see what ones they they go for first which ones they seem to ignore and what ones scare them off....
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I think I'll gather my children and perform and experiment we could set out or hold different colored snacks or toys and see what ones they they go for first which ones they seem to ignore and what ones scare them off....

Mine seem to love bright green objects, for obvious reasons. :p They also are attracted to my turquoise jewelry. Anything shiny, really. Their favorite toys are some cellophane cat toys, they're just crinkly balls of crumpled plastic but they LOVE 'em!
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Amy I can't wait to go to the dollar store and buy some cat toys now! I have been trying to get them to.jump for peas so far the most they'll do it poke their heads up a little higher but soon they'll get it
haha yeah i try to keep their spot as familiar as possible I've switched it a little moved the water and food farther from were they rest at first they did have a problem with me but soon got over it. I wish I could see through a birds eye, really through any animals eye that would be so cool.
Yeah she's about one and almost a half its funny you say she's tall! Everyone always calls her a short girl me being 5 ft 2 I wouldn't doubt her being my small girl. She actually thinks it's hilarious when they peck at her I know as they get older it will hurt more though so we'll have to watch that maybe I can teach them "be nice" it worked for the dogs they will not snatch anything from people's hand they will slowly and gently take it haha it's pretty nice . I love the why stage too, at times it's a little messy and exhausting but learning is important right now as I'm.writing this she is sitting in the dirt picking it up throwing it and sometimes trying to sneak a taste, ewww I always know something's up when she's not yelling mom mom look or when she's turned away from me haha quietness is mischievous. Haha your niece sounds adorable hopefully you get those hatching so I can see those precious pictures!!

You totally have to switch stuff up on them as you get them settled in different stages but the commentary is always amusing. Seeing what they see would be awesome, understanding what mine say would be priceless. Like littles when they are adamantly telling you something before any of those syllables actually make words.

I'm 5"1", you're tall lol. I keep thinking of Marceline as a Pekin being several pounds larger than my Ancona's - throws me off spatially until I remember how young she is. The bean (my niece) just hit a growth spurt and my ducks are full sized so their heads are chest level to her no - a little more intimidating. Unfortunately I think the broods went sideways so I don't think we'll have lings this spring.

If you think of all the things you can teach a dog to make them a wonderful family member with kids then you may be able to teach ducks similar things. We don't know what they can be trained to do unless we try. I'm really enjoying your duck journey!
@CMRDucks haha oh yes I know that stage all too well, luckily right now my daughter's addimate mumbles are all happy and followed by a laugh, she must have a great sense of humor. I have only.been taller than a handful of people I've met in my life, besides some.children, my 10 year old is actually my height now.and soon to surpass me haha. Marceline is big but she still looks like.she may be a smaller pekin I've seen some.pictures of the jumbo and I.don't think she'll be as big but we never know. I'm.sorry to hear it all went sideways there's always next year though :( thank you we are having.a wonderful time.with them they are amazing creatures, I am very encouraged to train them that is my favorite part of any animal at their younger stages they get a little more unwilling to learn as they get older but if I keep.it up now I.may even get some tricks.in there

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