What kind of mutt turkeys do you think I have?


11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Orlando, Florida
I have never really cared what breed any of my birds are usually. I buy the birds that are pretty to me since I am the one that has to look at them. But these girls are relativity new for me and since I have put them in with all the others, I have had a couple people ask me what kind they are. I end up looking at these people and shrugging my shoulders saying "I have no clue!". I would like to have a little more educated guess to tell anyone who asks again. Any thoughts would be very appreciated.

Hen #1:



Hen #2:


Yes there are, when they don't breed true and are a mix match of whatever then they are mutts. The APA states to be a breed they have to breed true 50% of the time, tacking a name on a random color variety does not make them a breed.

I have hens and roos that I hatched last spring which are a cross of Bourbon Reds and Royal Palms...they're absolutely gorgeous and look NOTHING like either of their parents. They are the dark ones.


ETA: The "babies" are now mating/laying and I have 3 hens sitting on eggs, so it will be interesting to see what I get this time around!
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WhiteMountainsRanch, These girls are the latest ones in the flock. I have only had them a couple of months so right now I do not have any chicks from them that I bred. HOWEVER, hen #1 is a chick from hen #2 if I can believe the people I bought them from. I do not have any weights on them.
So at this time I am looking at a Narragansett or a Narragansett cross. Thank you!!

KellyHM, Very good looking flock you have there!!!
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