What kind of rooster do I have?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 12, 2014

I had 21 chicks of whom 8 were roosters. I re-farmed 6 of my roosters and kept two. I'm thinking about re-farming one more but I don't seem to be able to identify the rooster I love and want to keep. Does anyone have an idea on what it could be. I believe he has a rose comb and he is a large rooster even though he is only 6 months old. Really appreciate any help. This is the first time I have posted. Thank you!
Forgot to put in my last post I have 13 hens in addition to the two roosters. They are laying about 8 eggs a day now and look so beautifully healthy!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Wow, he is gorgeous! I do not know what his breed is. But you can post his pic in our What Breed and Gender section for more help with this....https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this

Good luck with your rooster and your flock and welcome to ours!
Is the pattern on his chest more of a barring or a lacing pattern? Were they hatchery sourced birds (direct order or feed store purchase) or did they come from a private source?
Glad you joined us!

Beautiful rooster! Looks like a mixed breed to me, but if you told us where you got him from (hatchery, friend, etc.), that might help identify him.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I agree with BantamLover21; he looks like a mixed breed rooster, but he is a real beauty. If he's the rooster you love, I wouldn't let the fact that he's likely a mixed breed keep me from keeping him as my rooster. If you'd like a third opinion, definitely post on our What Breed or Gender is This? section and let our experts there take a look at it. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What other kind of chickens do you have?
Two roosters are one too many for 13 hens - a rooster can handle 10 hens a piece . He is a beautiful rooster and if he is good to hens and not aggressive to people - keep him.

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