What kind of worms are these?


May 30, 2020
Livermore, California
These little white specks are worms. I suspect theyve been there for some time because I have seem them before but always thought it was rocks, grit, or sand. Then today I saw them move. Yuck. What are they, and how can i help my chickens? Also, we eat their eggs every morning. Should I toss them until the problem is resolved? We had a very tiny egg this morning. Could the worms be the issue??


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They look like maggots to me which comes from flies. Do you have a lot of flies in the coop. Once their eggs hatch that is what the larva looks like. I could be wrong, just a wild guess. I would think as long as you washed the eggs well that they would be safe to eat but I am no expert. Hopefully someone else can give their thoughts to you.
They look like maggots to me which comes from flies. Do you have a lot of flies in the coop. Once their eggs hatch that is what the larva looks like. I could be wrong, just a wild guess. I would think as long as you washed the eggs well that they would be safe to eat but I am no expert. Hopefully someone else can give their thoughts to you.
We have a TON of flies right now. It is driving me nuts. I have a fly repellent bag that is supposed to smell awful and I have been hesitent to put it up because it will be close to a cottage we rent out in the yard.
Tapeworms are a more rare worm in chickens, but it does look like tapeworm segments to me as well. They move for a time until they dry out. Chickens get them from an intermediate host, such as from eating earthworms, snails, slugs, beetles, and grasshoppers. Dogs and cats frequently get them from chewing fleas or eating moles. Praziquantel is the best treatment, and it is found in Droncit/Drontal, Equimax horse paste and also Zimectrin Gold. Equimax dosage is 0.03 ml per pound of weight given orally, and repeat that in 14 days. Removing intermediate hosts can help a lot in ridding the chicken of tapeworms. Nit all of your chickens may need treatment.
Tapeworms are a more rare worm in chickens, but it does look like tapeworm segments to me as well. They move for a time until they dry out. Chickens get them from an intermediate host, such as from eating earthworms, snails, slugs, beetles, and grasshoppers. Dogs and cats frequently get them from chewing fleas or eating moles. Praziquantel is the best treatment, and it is found in Droncit/Drontal, Equimax horse paste and also Zimectrin Gold. Equimax dosage is 0.03 ml per pound of weight given orally, and repeat that in 14 days. Removing intermediate hosts can help a lot in ridding the chicken of tapeworms. Nit all of your chickens may need treatment.
Thank you. We are VERY clean people but unfortunately our neighbors are severe hoarders and I suspect the constant fleas and rodants we have to deal with from them could be the issue.
Chickens mostly get them from the worms, snails, etc. You may want to remove as many droppings as possible. This might be the only chicken with them, as they have to eat something with the tapeworm eggs.
Chickens mostly get them from the worms, snails, etc. You may want to remove as many droppings as possible. This might be the only chicken with them, as they have to eat something with the tapeworm eggs.
I have eight chickens. I am not sure which one has tapeworm because all of them seem to always poop. Its hard to keep track of whos leaving what on the ground. Is there a way to tell besides poop? One chicken is losing a lot of feathers but I thought she was just molting. Could she be sick from it? I can treat her and see what happens.

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