what ma I doing wrong?? no eggs yet!


10 Years
May 21, 2009
Texas Hill Country!
Why won't my chickies lay eggs for me? They are between 18-20 weeks old and several have very red combs. I have supplies nesting boxes and hay, my two roos are interested in them. Giving them Treats of watermelon and veggies. Layer pellets. The only thing I can think of is this blasted heat topping out to at least 100 every day. They have plenty of fresh water and an "air conditioned" bucket (with a frozen milk carton inside). I have put a golf ball in one of the nests. Is there anything else I can do???
Don't worry they will lay soon, I'd given up checking our girls nesting boxes and then when I was cleaning the coop I found 2 eggs under their roosting area. They will lay soon. Do they squat when you get close to them and do they let the rooster do his deed?
Oh my gosh I feel your frustration. I swore my birds were never going to lay . I nearly did a cartwheel when I got that first little egg. Be patient those eggs will come soon
good luck
So many of us are waiting this time of year... we can all realate!!!




Three of mine finally started laying. We are still waiting on 5 more. They didn't get the whole nest box thing at first, but the ones who are laying, FINALLY figured it out.

When the time is right, the biological urge to lay is very powerful, so don't worry, it will happen, probably not where you expect, but still. My first group of pullets started laying in the middle of the winter - no lights, short days, the kind when you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. It was joyful to come home to a new little egg!
The heat will make a difference. At the age of yours you can expect to get eggs pretty soon. Here area couple of sites that talk about how to tell if a hen is laying. You might want to check yours out. I think the first link gives a better detailed description of what to look for but the second has some great additional information so I'll send both.

Good luck!

Pigment Color – Signs of Laying

Evaluating Egg Production
Thanks for the links! I just came in from outside. I ran out there b/c I swore someone had t eaid an egg with all the clucking she was doing but no egg!

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