What made you happy today?

This morning, I talked DH into me going into town to get a few things. (Not that he wouldn't "let" me, just he didn't want to go.)

This was a charmed trip.

1. Stop to gas up the car. Another customer says the grocery store where I'm going was a madhouse yesterday. Ok, I'll go there first, methinks, and perhaps beat the rush since it's only 9:00.

2. Grocery store. Not too busy. I park in the side lot so it'll be easy in/out. I get the stuff I need, no problem. I get in a checkout line. The woman ahead of me says to go ahead of her, as I only have a few items. The man ahead of her says the same thing! I'm next in line! I chat with that guy, and he's going to Arizona in a couple weeks to prospect for gold, goes every year. And, I have a $5 dollar coupon! Yippeee!!

3. TSC. (My heated waterer in the chicken run died last night.) They did have another heated pet bowl, and it's $22, vs $70+ for a metal waterer and heated base. AND, I have a rewards member $10 credit! SCORE!

4. My last stop is the local farm market. They have apples and squash on a BOGO special. I get their last half bushel of Macintosh (for sauce) and a free half bushel of Empire (for drying). They're closing Saturday until May, so they want to clear things out.

5. I get home and lo and behold, the gas company has come to fill up our propane tank.

We are all set for the storm, just hunkering down and waiting for whatever happens. The gas can is full, the generator is at the ready. We're not going anywhere, just staying home with the dog. And the chickens.
-18 weather and my hens are still laying 12 eggs a day, and I got a new one today.


I know it is just the bloom but it is my first like this.

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