What made you happy today?

Our grandkids ask me how the Princess and I have managed to stay together for 60 years. My stock answer is: "When you meet that one person you LIKE more than anyone else you have ever met, don't let them get away."

"Marriage isn't about finding someone you can live with. It's about finding the one person you can't live without."
We talked about making this closet into a pantry ever since we moved in 30 years ago. Last fall, hubby did.

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It's against an outside wall, and this room gets cold, so nothing that can freeze is stored here.
The canned tomatoes and anything else that shouldn't freeze is in the basement. We're finally making the area under the basement steps into a pantry too.

30 years... at least we didn't rush into it. :lau
I'm jealous! We store everything in our basement, we have a decent shelf system but I love that cabinet!

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