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If it was too sour, they didn't put enough sugar in it. Adding strawberries and following standard directions makes a really sour pie.

Good rhubarb is tart. Tart and sour are not the same thing. A rhubarb pie made properly is both sweet and tart.
I tried an actual rhubarb stalk that someone gave me. I'd never tasted it before.
I tried an actual rhubarb stalk that someone gave me. I'd never tasted it before.
That is not like cooked rhubarb. Some people like to juice the stalks and make ice cubes with the juice. They add a cube to a glass of water, similar to adding a lemon wedge tp a glass of water.
Congratulations and wishing you unlimited years. The Princess and I celebrated 60 years in Jan., and it keeps getting better.
Thanks and congrats to you too!
I tried an actual rhubarb stalk that someone gave me. I'd never tasted it before.
We used to eat the stalks dipped in sugar. Just don't eat the leaves as they are toxic. And the red rhubarb variety is sweeter than the green, however, they both need sugar

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