What might these turn out to be??

Spoiled Birds

5 Years
Mar 14, 2014
I just got 3 Silver Laced Wyandotts and 4 "mini mystery bantams" all 1 week old from TSC.
The "mini mystery bantams" have clean black legs.
They are feathered more than the SLW's too.

They are SO CUTE!!

The tiny tan one gets in the SLW's faces! (probably a roo

AND my 7 week old streight run bantams from TSC...
What are they?

3, maybe 4 of the 7 are roo's!
They are the same size as my 10 week old Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons.
What I did in Michigan; Find out the hatchery source of the TSC birds, and call them directly. You should be able to at least get a list of the breeds and colors they send out, to narrow the choices a lot. Good luck! Mary
Our TSC is kind of dumb.
They couldn't give me a better date for the 'tiny tots' and wyandotts than... "they are a week old, I think"
For the black legs on the 'tiny tots', that is just the 2 black ones. The bottoms of their feet are greyish too.
The 7 week old 'mystery bantams' have very pretty coloring.
They have the irridesant black/green/blue on the darker feathers.
The lighter feathers are like silver laced.
nicalandia I just can't picture cooking any of my guys.

I'm hoping to sell 4 of them. They are so pretty.
I'm going to have to get rid of...
1 Black Jersey Giant roo,
4 of the Dark Brahma Bantam roo's,
1 white Silkie roo

AND I have more straight run chicks,
3 Silver Laced Wyandotte's
and 4 more mystery bantams (they are SO tiny!

I have 2 of the tiny blacks with black legs, the bottom of their feet is grayish.
The group photo shows how tiny they are compared to the Silvers of the same age.
The tiny light brown one gets in all the others faces, so its probably a boy. It's cute to see, and sorta funny too.

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