What movie makes you cry every single time?

Most of the movies mentioned I have never seen. I find it hard to sit down to watch a two hour movie. On the rare occasions when I actually watch TV I pick half hour shows.
Legends of the Fall, When the son returns many years later to find his dad had a stroke.

Shenandoah, When the long-lost son finally makes it back home.

Anything with Arnold Schwartzenager
Mine is Love Actually. Love Actually is a 2003 British romantic comedy film written and directed by Richard Curtis. Great love story. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me smile. It super movie.

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Field of Dreams at the end of the movie, just tore me up.
Out of Africa.
Sophie's choice. I don't think I can ever see that movie again.
Horse Wisperer.
Last of the Mohicans. When the sister drops off the cliff and several other scenes throughout the movie, really get to me.
And I saw the original Land of the Dinosaurs the other day for the first time and the scene where the mama dinosaur died, oh lord, my throat closed up from sobbing so much. My grandson thought I was nuts!!!!
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