What my chicken do every evening! :D


7 Years
Apr 8, 2012
Every day my two chicken fly onto the windowsill and start pecking against the glass and making other noises!
Its always funny to watch because they do this until they get their food! And they'r very persistent!!!

What do your chicken do to get their food ??
Those are cute photos. My chickens do the typical things for food - run after me, do the chicken whine, stare and occasionally stand on my feet or peck my leg. My Brahma will pull on my jacket like my geese do to get my attention.

I have a different group of Old English Game chickens in the barn who don't like to be picked up because they did not have much handling when they where young. One of the brave hens will fly to my arm to get treats, even though she would put up a big fuss if I tried to pick her up from the ground.
It would be hard this time of year. Turkeys are seasonal layers.
I love my turkeys. They are very personable!
Yeah but Here in namibia everything's opposite from you guys. We have spring at the moment so now they should start breeding! The problem is I only know one family that has some and they haven't gotten any chick! I'll just put a add in the newspaper!
Not the government-aliens. They's aliens among our flock. And they are watching us...waiting.....


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