What percentage of your eggs hatch AFTER 21 days?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 8, 2011
Trying to get a rough idea of how many eggs hatch AFTER the 21 day period for most people, or to word it differently do ALL your eggs hatch on the 21st day ?


It depends a lot on the breed you are hatching.

Silkies - Early

Araucanas - On time

Marans - Almost always late.

Most hatches start with one or two early hatching chicks like on day 20, with the bulk on day 21, and one or two stragglers on day 22. Generally the late hatchers are not the best / strongest chicks.

By percentage I would guess that less than 10% are late hatchers.

Good luck

In that case I should abandon all hope of my remaining eggs hatching. I've got 12 left from 20 eggs which haven't hatched. It's now day 24. They're Pekin and Serama eggs. I guess for my first hatch it's not too bad. Still quite disappointing, particularly not knowing why they haven't hatched.

The eight chicks are very cute though. Seen nothing like it before
I went to toss some eggs that were 4 days over, and one of them cheeped! Needless to say, it didn't survive long after being bounced hard enough on the ground to burst it apart. After that, I started leaving them in for 7 days unless they leaked or stank or both. This summer I had one hatch on Day 27, just one day before being pitched. He's in my Adolescent Hutch right now.
Wait, so if you candle after 21 days what are you supposed to see? I took a peek at mine and it still just looks dark with an aircell on the fat end. 8/ I mean, I can't really make out anything else. What are we looking for?
I'm getting worried...tomorrow will be day 23...no peeps, hen has been sitting on about ten eggs. I check them twice a day ...if only 10percent hatch after day 21...I may need to toss them all. Sooo sad. She's a first time broody Americana and most of the eggs are green...this waiting is so difficult!
From what I've read (and seen from hatching a batch!) what your seeing is a good sign! If it's dark with only an aircell present, it should mean that the chick is close to hatching-can you see movement in the shell? (A good guide I found for eggs being candled late is http://nzfarmstays.com/candle.html, but it does have some possibly disturbing pictures of chick embryos!)

And I agree with everyone else-it's always best to just leave the eggs if they're taking a while. We cracked open what we thought was a dead egg and had a nasty surprise when a chick fell out ): Needless to say, we shoved the remaining eggs under another broody hen and they all hatched! (Though one fell out of the nest and hatched on the floor in the middle of the night and didn't make it, the poor thing!)
Thanks for the replies. Can I candle them without any specialist equipment? I will leave the eggs for a few more days
It would be great if more popped out!

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