What predator is eating my predator?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
Traphill, NC
We have had rat problems since last summer when I found the black snake (5 ft plus, measured) that was a resident of our horse barn trying to eat a huge duckling that he never was going to get down.
I was really angry and he met the shotgun. Now we have burrowing rats like crazy and I can't catch them--live trap, bucket trap, plain ol' rat trap--nothing. I go out to the shed to change out the heated tub of duckie water and they are standing on the edge, sipping away, waving "hi" to me--I couldn't take it anymore. I put out a bait station as a last resort last night; since rats are neophobic, they will not touch it for at least a week. These are smart rats. BUT I went out this morning and found a rat, or the remains anyway. The head was gone and every bit of flesh except for the skin and the pelvic bone and the tail. It was almost surgical. I am not frightened of rats and actually used to have pet rats; whatever did this to the rat is very creepy. Any ideas? My place is surrounded on 3 sides by a largish creek in the foothills of NC. Note: NO bait had been eaten last night; there was blood everywhere on the hay pallet near the body so I suspect that the rat had fought back and injured the killer. This was an enormous male rat who had been raised on Layena, LOL.
wow what would be big enough to kill a rat but not take it away with it?

As for the rat problem maybe you could get some barn cats, maybe rescue a few from the shelter?
Sounds like a cat to me too. I have three cats that hang around my property. I don't know where they belong but I don't ask. I don't feed them but I think they drink from my pond when my dog is not looking. I have no rats or mice.
animal planets most extreme says common house cat is the most vicious killer in the world because it just sits on the couch and is fed all day it has the energy they just kill for fun and will play with the kill a lot 1st
If it was a cat, it had a scalpel. I would post a pic, but it is pretty alarming. EVERYTHING other than the feet, pelt, tail and pelvic bone was removed. I have a cat prejudice--I have had too many barn cats that pee all over my tack and hay and eat like pigs while the mice take over. I have rat terriers but I can't allow them to run loose; my mules are hyper-vigilant to canines due to the coyotes in the area. The mice are less wary of the terriers when I bring them to the barn; the rats just hunker down until we go back up to the house and then they start partying again.
what about a fisher cat or some kind of weasel? (I am just throwing our guesses)

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