What predator is this? Footprints

We lost several birds our second night... one that was completely missing (no evidence except the scattered feathers) and there were NO holes in our coop at all. We reinforced the whole thing with hardwire cloth and so far, so good, but we also suspected coon. Whatever it was came back and dug up the carcasses of the dead bird and finished them off, too. *gross*
A raccoon, no surprise there. Except that I'm very surprised that it could get through 2x4" welded wire. I have the same stuff around my run, including over the top. Are you absolutely sure it got through a 2x4 square? And not through a gap or a broken weld or a weak seam? Looking at that cage he's in, I could see he might squeeze through a two-square-high and four-square wide hole in that cage. Is that cage wire 1" by 1"? If so... I'm a bit concerned about my own use of 2x4" welded wire.
Yep!! I saw that sucker go through the welded wire!! I was stunned. It took him a while to push his way through and later in the night (after I locked girls up tight) I heard some "crying" like maybe it was stuck? Either way.... Ahh!!! We put chicken wire over the welded wire for now. (Broke from a doggie ER vet bill.) Hope to upgrade to hardware cloth soon. good luck!
Found prints after a night of trying to get into my smaller coop. It is an open coop but the run is a 10x4' including area under the roosts and boxes... So they/it could probably see the ladies and hear them. This coop was gifted and came with chicken wire. I had read enough to know better so I spent a month reinforceing it with 1/4" hardware wire....so it has two layers. I know that was frustrating to my visitor as I found evidence of them being on all 4 sides of the coop...just couldn't get to the ladies. I found a lot of prints but found this one that I laid a ruler beside so you could see the size and that is has 4 pads...check it out and let me know what you all think. I immediately thought dog whatever like coyote. We have so few dogs around here but its its still a possibility...
Found prints after a night of trying to get into my smaller coop. It is an open coop but the run is a 10x4' including area under the roosts and boxes... So they/it could probably see the ladies and hear them. This coop was gifted and came with chicken wire. I had read enough to know better so I spent a month reinforceing it with 1/4" hardware wire....so it has two layers. I know that was frustrating to my visitor as I found evidence of them being on all 4 sides of the coop...just couldn't get to the ladies. I found a lot of prints but found this one that I laid a ruler beside so you could see the size and that is has 4 pads...check it out and let me know what you all think. I immediately thought dog whatever like coyote. We have so few dogs around here but its its still a possibility...
BIG dog!

Coyote tracks
Or a BIG coyote! That was no small predator...good thing you've got that hardware cloth up...You might walk around and, thinking like a predator, check to see if there's any way a scumbag can get in...at all. If it were me I'd be sitting out there at night with my shotgun and get the sucker!
Or a BIG coyote! That was no small predator...good thing you've got that hardware cloth up...You might walk around and, thinking like a predator, check to see if there's any way a scumbag can get in...at all. If it were me I'd be sitting out there at night with my shotgun and get the sucker!
LOL...I've given that serious thought!!! I do carry a weapon on me at all times, especially when I'm out at the coop. I have a 410 loaded and sitting by the back door. I've turned on the radio in the shed and just added a motion light out there yesterday. Have never regretted the hardware wire.. costly but worth it. Took me forever to put it on and my dh kidded me about being OCD with my first coop. My new concern is that my poodle goes out in the middle of the night for a pee break....at 8 lbs ...he wouldn't be more than a hen for that big of a dog!!
LOL...I've given that serious thought!!! I do carry a weapon on me at all times, especially when I'm out at the coop. I have a 410 loaded and sitting by the back door. I've turned on the radio in the shed and just added a motion light out there yesterday. Have never regretted the hardware wire.. costly but worth it. Took me forever to put it on and my dh kidded me about being OCD with my first coop. My new concern is that my poodle goes out in the middle of the night for a pee break....at 8 lbs ...he wouldn't be more than a hen for that big of a dog!!
Be aware of something.......predators quickly "get used to" motion lights and/or music. It'll work for awhile, but not always....

I know what you mean about your little dog. My little chihauhau Zoe, at 4 lbs., is a 'snack' ... eeeek!!
you know you can't chase predators away, they are persistent when there's a free meal. You have to trap, relocate or dispatch.
Wish you success. Keep on Keepin' On.
Oh,no,no,no.....get the poodle a litter box or papers to pee on...my grandaughter's third grade teacher just lost her smallish dog to a coyote, we're in east central Indiana.....really just 4 days ago

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