What predator was this?

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Most night here I get a predator on at least one of my cameras. Here we have mostly coyotes. A coyote behind some of the coops.
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Last night.
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Skunks aren’t the type to take down large fowl, they go for the eggs. If it’s neck is how you described, it could be the possum. Especially if it has kits to feed, your coop will be it’s hotspot.

Thanks, @Fishsticks06 . DH is out there right now, reinforcing the perimeter. I was mistaken about the fence. On that section, it is not 2x4 field fencing, it is the old 4x4 cow fencing. He is preparing to install 2x4 and that should help a lot.

But... opossums climb, don't they? I believe I saw one in the mulberry tree once. Sigh. I know you can't protect against everything unless you build like Fort Knox, and even then ....
Thanks everybody. As to all your suggestions:

1. No, we can't cover it, it's too big to be practical. Chicken yard is a good name for it. I can't give you the dimensions, but it used to be the garden.

2. If we had a game camera we would certainly know what we're up against. I was hoping the clues I gave would help ID what we have. Since we've not had a problem with predators before, we saw no need for a camera. We'll look into one if we can't resolve the issue in other ways.

3. I don't think electric wire is a practical solution either, although we will consider it. The challenge is that the other side of the fence is leased to someone who runs cattle on it, it's pasture grass that is allowed to grow head high and it's not practical for us to mow it. I also don't know if this might be a fire hazard.

I really appreciate the suggestions and support! We WILL find a solution!
All of my fences are 5' high. Many years ago had a coyote jump over the fence into a pen and kill some birds. Since I have electric wire around my pens and coops also because of a bobcat, coyote, fox and a possum that dug or tried to dig under the fence, concrete under the gates because of a fox and a skunk that dug under a gate, and heavy duty netting covering all of my pens due to an owl that killed several birds. Good luck... I hope you figure out what killed your birds. It will be back. These are my pens.

All of my fences are 5' high. Many years ago had a coyote jump over the fence into a pen and kill some birds. Since I have electric wire around my pens and coops also because of a bobcat, coyote, fox and a possum that dug or tried to dig under the fence, concrete under the gates because of a fox and a skunk that dug under a gate, and heavy duty netting covering all of my pens due to an owl that killed several birds. Good luck... I hope you figure out what killed your birds. It will be back. These are my pens.
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By golly, you DO have Fort Knox! :thumbsup
Thanks, @Fishsticks06 . DH is out there right now, reinforcing the perimeter. I was mistaken about the fence. On that section, it is not 2x4 field fencing, it is the old 4x4 cow fencing. He is preparing to install 2x4 and that should help a lot.

But... opossums climb, don't they? I believe I saw one in the mulberry tree once. Sigh. I know you can't protect against everything unless you build like Fort Knox, and even then ....

No problem, I’m more than glad to help anyone on this website. I just don’t your chickens getting killed! Possums can climb very well, they’re capable of climbing up just about any surface. Maybe you could put thick netting around the base of your fence? I’ve heard their legs can get twisted in the net and it discourages them to climb. Anyways, I hope this helped and best wishes to your flock.

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