What produce do your chickens like?

Bananas. I can't save the over riped ones for banana bread anymore cuz I like watching the chickens eat them and then rub their beaks in the sand before taking another bite.
Oh, lets see... the list is probably shorter of what they won't eat. Watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, grapes, tomatoes, carrots & carrot tops, cabbage - red n green, lettuce - any kind, spinach, celery tops, cucumbers, snow peas, corn on the cob. They weren't really fond of bananas, but have devoured everything else I have given them.
ive done apples, pears, crabapples, plums, carrots, tomatoes, potato peals, corn on the cob.

ive got a partial watermelon in the fridge that froze, im taking that tomorrow.

i also throw grass/weeds at them and they eat that too.
Mine prefer grass to veggie scraps, but will eat all kinds of fruit, meat, buggies and nuts/seeds/grain. I bring loads of bugs back from the garden and they LOVE 'em! They also get butter/cheese/milk+oats mixture... They get a complete diet, really!
Grapes are fun, but I now either hold a whole grape for them to devour or cut into quarters or smaller after seeing them come back for more way too soon. They're starting to swallow them instead of tearing at it -- I saw one of them barely swallowing 3/4 of a grape

Tried strawberries, they weren't all too impressed, probably a bit tart coming off of a grape.
Mine love anything in the cabbage family, corn, spinach, pumpkins and watermelon. They didn't seem to go for berries, broccoli or carrots though.

Edited to add: My silkie is covered in corn bits from playing with/eating a corncob already and she just woke up lol
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