What Really Grosses You Out?

It is with great amusement I read posts pertaining to chickens pecking at various kinds of poo, dogs eating all kinds of poo, goat bucks peeing on their faces (cologne if you are a doe
) or "just moved--huge cockroaches" and all the other things that give people the heebie-jeebies. I have taken thought on this and I find it hard to pinpoint any one thing that just flips me out. I can, and have, cleaned a gut shot deer and didn't throw up or even feel queasy. I am not sickened by the sight of blood, adult diapers with a load in them (although I'd rather not). I worked for a garbage company for 5 years and got over the smells and maggots real quick. The mechanics delighted in rolling me under a truck to show me a part that I needed to find and order for them, and yes, maggots do fall out of garbage trucks. I am not scared of rats, snakes or other creepy crawlies.

I have never handled a big hairy tarantula and they creep me out. Maybe if I did handle one, I'd get over it, but at this point, it really is not an issue.

So what is your gross-out? What is the one thing that pushes your button, that you avoid at all costs?

I own a tarantula. her name is sadie. Shes a chilean rose hair, adorable, and almost as cool as chickens! LOL8-D
Reading this whole thing with a queasy stomach is not the brightest thing I've done today. But, yeah. Surprise spiders and dogs noisily licking themselves. And people who don't rinse their hand washed dishes. Ewwwwww.

Ok, today there's a lot on the gross factor list.

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