What religion do you belong to?

We all have two things in common, birds and we are all Heavenly Father's children, therefore we are brothers and sisters. Father loves us and watches over us no matter what our faith. Here there is love which is most important and all help one another. As for our faith we are of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I grew up Southern Baptist.
Atheist here, with a strong interest in the Church of Sustainability, where keeping chickens is kin to prayer. Lol! "Chickenism for the win!"

Imagine if local ordinances could be changed to allow backyard chickens based on a "religious freedom" argument...
I'm not religious at all... I believe in science (insert bunsen burner here)
Neat to see a few UU's here as well as Neo-Pagans. I was first raised in the Unitarian Universalist church by my mother then due to some peer pressure from a girl down the street who said me and mum were going to hell, I started attending the Catholic Church with my father, got baptized and had my first communion between 2nd and 4th grade but I really never connected with it, I just liked spending time with my dad on Sundays.

When I was 12 I stumbled across Wicca and found a nature and divine feminine focused worldview resonated with me. I started attending the UU church again with my mom as they are supportive spiritual searching and earth religions. In high school I became more interested in my Celtic roots and ancestors and developed a polytheistic rather than duo-theistic out look. Then in college I found a grove of ADF Druids which is a Fellowship of Neo-Pagans focused on Indo-European religion and rituals. There are Hellenic, Roman, Vedic, Iranian, Slavic, Baltic, Germanic and Celtic ADF Druids but they all have a core order of ritual in common with some small cultural and local variations.

Personally I'd say I'm a Northern-European Polytheist as I honor mostly Irish and Norse deities, but also draw inspiration from Baltic and Slavic traditions. In addition to the Gods I honor the Earth our Mother, the Spirits of Nature with whom we share this world and the Ancestors who came before us. More of a spirituality and worldview than a religion for me though as I don't engage much in the regular ritual.

Sorry for the long explanation but just saying Druid does not paint the right picture. Definitely not proselytizing, I learned about most world religions as a young UU and respect all paths annnnd I <3 chickens!
I am a Christian. I go to a church of Christ. I have not studied many different religions so this is very interesting. I am raised in the church of Christ, also. My church family is wonderful and I love all of them. I couldn't imagine my life without my church family. My favorite book of the Bible is Genesis. I follow the New Testament.
My wels pastor drove 300 miles round trip to come to see my Lutheran ducks ..he also seen my reformed ducks and roman catholic ducks..

The Lutheran ducks of course were German Saxons .. The R C ducks of course came from Cayuga county New York.

my protestant Dutch reformed ducks of course were from Holland ..Dutch hook bills.

I told him i was fairly sure the Cayuga ducks and hook bills were almost converted to being Lutheran ..Before he left ..

IT probably was a good thing i did not have any Peking ducks .. because i would have had to tell my pastor----------- I think their Buddhist's !

well i suppose
the truth should be told,,, my pastor and two other men just came to my house for our elders group meeting .. yet they all did enjoy seeing the different kinds of ducks we have.

JUST AS A SIDE note in confessional Lutheran church body's like our's elders pastors or even seminary professors have no real authority over other members ..The only authority in our church body's is Gods word The bible .. Luther was accused of having the bible as his Pope and that accusation fairly well sums up confessional Lutheranism.

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