What sex are my duckies?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
Tulsa, OK
These are my 2 Mallards, Faux-Gras and Sally. One looks as though there may be a bit of crested somewhere down the line, as it has a funny little feather puff on one side of it's head.


This is my crested duck "Mo"


They were all hatched at the beginning of April. Both mallards have the purple/green wing tips. Both have lighter necks but there is no identifiable "white ring" at the base of either. At what age does it show up, and the green feathers?

I agree on their gender (the ''Mallards'' have green beaks, females have brown), but I am pretty sure your ''mallards'' are actually the domestic, non-flying type, Rouens.
I have both Mallards and Rouens, and you can easily tell them apart; the Rouens are fatter and can't fly, while the Mallards can fly extremely well and are very small.
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Oh it would be just fine if they were actually Rouens. I got them from a breeder of exotic fowl, who said they are flying Mallards. She's been doing this for about 30 years, and she's spent 5 years as the curator of our local "Swan Lake" park. If the 2 "Mallards" are drakes I don't mind, as long as one of the 3 is a female (I had to use the whole "Egg" thing to talk the Englishman into the ducks in the first place, especially since they are messier than the chickens). They are like a little duckie mob, completely inseparable so as long as one is a girl, he's happy for us to keep all of them.
I would definitely say the mallards are drakes just from the bill color. You will need to get more hens or give away one of the drakes though. 2.1.0 is not a good ratio

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