Heritage versions exist too. Depends upon which lines went into her breeding
I may just keep her around to see what colour egg she lays. I won’t keep all of them, maybe 2 of them.

I have a bunch of silkie babies going to be here in June so don’t want to get over burdened with chooks.
CeeCee from a plane's tail number? Maybe she would like Cessna

I think Teddy is fine looking - no disrespect intended. His coloring and salon "do" was reminding me of something I couldn't put my finger on until that pic! I think porcupines look fine too. They are such cool creatures. Branch does look like a tiny version of Bigfoot...he is a very cool-looking roo!

Let us know what they say!
Oh yes Bigfoot - that’s eggsactly it - awwww Branch you cutie pie 😊💕
A few more fluffy butt fridays

Buttercup Butt

Betty Butt

Bert Butt

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