What sex are my Sultans?

Jackalope Vigil

6 Years
Nov 19, 2013
Phoenix Arizona
Alright! So I have 2 new Sultans, I've never had any before and they are A LOT different that my "standard" chickens(probably because they're exotic and what not). So, is their anyway to tell what sex they're going to be at this ripe old age of 9 weeks? I could just wait till they're older buuuuuuuuuut... I'm super impatient and want to know now.
So if anyone could help me guess at what sex they are, that's be great!

Size comparison

Chick 1

Chick 1 Looking

Chick 2 Looking

Comb 1

Comb 2

If more pics are needed I will gladly post 'em ASAP!
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I'm not so good at photos but I do have Sultans and one thing I can tell you is its all in the crest. The crests of females will look like they got up in the morning and neatly combed them back. The crests of males will look like they have bed-head and don't care a wit.
Thank you! I read somewhere on the forums before I posted this that you're not supposed to judge by the crest because they can be deceptive at a young age (or something along those lines). But, I'll definately be on the watch for some David Bowie hair on my birds!
At that age if the combs and little wattles are pink/ yellow/ orange I would say they are pullets. May I ask Where you got them, they look nice? How's their foot feathering ?
I actually got them from a friend who couldn't keep them. I guess her bf wasn't too into the idea of having chickens.
I'm not sure how to tell if they have good leg feathers or not, but they look pretty consistently full and face outwards, like fluffy leg warmers? They're really long too, like little fans on their feet.

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