What should I ask for this fella?


11 Years
Aug 15, 2008
I have a 8 month old RIR roo and, I don't like how rough he is with the ladys. So... I want to sell him. What should I ask for him?
yeah, we used to (I would never do this now with my babies:) sneak up on other peoples farms in the middle of the night and leave them a rooster present to wake up to. hahahhaahah

We hatched like 70% roos when I was growing up.
I don't have the money to just give them away.
$15 is what I was guessing. Thanks for the replies.
Of the 7 Leghorns I just hatched I can tell 4 of them are roo's
I'll probably grow them out and sell or trade 'em.
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selling is great... then you get money for feed. and supplies etc. for your other chickens. you can give them away if thats what floats your boat.. but i myself Sell the ones i dont use (plus.. my chickens are show chickens. if i was to give one away with the bloodline i have.. i'd be giving away 100-200+ dollar chickens
) so i usually sell for about 50-100
i ended up having to give my 2 roos for free. I was asking $5, held out a few weeks hoping to get something for them till someone fought with the dominate roo and injured him then they had to go.
I've been to a couple of poultry/small animal livestocks. If someone is looking for new blood for breeding, and it is a common breed like a RIR, and they are interested in the particular breed you have for sale you might get $10.

I've seen chickens that have won a prize at the fair sell for $30, so DT Chickens must be one heck of a salesperson.

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