What should I do with broody hen


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
North Carolina
I have a slash Marans hen that has been laying for about 6 or 8 months. She started getting broody yesterday. I do not have a rooster, and was thinking about getting fertile eggs for her. I was looking to get a few more chicks anyway. My concern is how broody this breed is, and if she will stay on the eggs and raise her chicks. I know it's a gamble, but any experiences would be greatly appreciated. I had a buff Orpington hatch 3 chicks last summer, and she was a great mother. Just been reading Marans are not so dependable. I don't want to raise them myself, and would much rather nature take it's course.

If it is best not to get eggs for her, what do I do with her, while she is broody? Just let her keep sitting and take eggs away, if she lays anymore?

Thanks for insight.
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I'd wait a couple of days and see of she sticks to it. She should growl when you come near, and stay on the nest 24/7. And get upset if you take eggs from under her. On Marans, Henderson's says:
great brooder (or annoyingly too frequent brooder) in some strains

I'll give you a link to a good article about broodies. You could also let her sit for a few days (you don't have to wait 3 weeks) then slip some feed store chicks under her at night.

I saw the post from Hendersons site saying Marans were particularly broody, but then the chart on this site stated they weren't particularly broody, so I was conflicted. I know no two are alike, but when you see two completely different characteristics listed, it gets confusing as to which is more accurate.

I appreciate the link you provided. I will check the link and may try that out.


Oh, and she definitely growled at me, and pecked at me when I took out the eggs last night. I didn't want to leave any infertile eggs under her. Two other hens had already laid in the box, before she starting sitting.
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LOL, I would send her to you, but she is a big and beautiful bird. Her eggs are not very dark but they all taste the same.
She is such a sweety, when she is not pecking me to keep me from snatching her eggs. Hehe.

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