What should I do with these eggs?


5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
My birds went into laying overdrive, unless some of my real young pullets started laying early my hens have been putting out 3 eggs a day for the past month. I wound up with more than I could store inside so I started collecting them in a bucket outside since its cold out. The other week we got an insane amount of snow for our area and I forgot about the bucket. So the snow melted and now those eggs have been sitting in stagnant water so no way im going to eat or feed them to the chickens now.

So, what should I do with them? Would it be a bad idea to bury them in my vegetable garden? I'd compost them but it's been cold enough that my compost piles haven't been composting.
I wound up with more than I could store inside so I started collecting them in a bucket outside since its cold out. The other week we got an insane amount of snow for our area and I forgot about the bucket. So the snow melted and now those eggs have been sitting in stagnant water so no way im going to eat or feed them to the chickens now.

So, what should I do with them? Would it be a bad idea to bury them in my vegetable garden? I'd compost them but it's been cold enough that my compost piles haven't been composting.
OK so, I don't know how to read and I'm sorry. Really there's nothing else you can do with them. Probably best to throw them away or bury them.
eggs have been sitting in stagnant water
They have been frozen and are sitting in stagnant water.
Personally, I would throw them away, but if you want to go through the effort then bury them.

You can scramble a couple and feed them to you chickens.

OK so, I don't know how to read and I'm sorry. Really there's nothing else you can do with them. Probably best to throw them away or bury them.
Agreed that composting them is a good idea. Why waste the nutrients and add to the landfill?

When you bury them, make sure to break them...you DON'T want them rotting underground stuck in the shell only to be cracked open when you're transplanting your tomatoes months from now. :sick

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