What size brooder?


12 Years
Feb 12, 2007
Wenatchee, Washington
Hi everyone! I am getting 94 chicks from Ideal poultry on the 21st. 20 of them are standard size, and the rest are Bantams. This is the largest # of chicks I have ever ordered at one time, and I'm not sure how large my brooder should be? Could you give me some ideas please!? Thanks
OK, so I researched it online and I think I've got it figured out. I need 1/4 sq ft per bird the first week and 1 sq ft per bird in weeks 5-8. So I'm leaving now to buy two 5 ft plastic kid pools. In the past I have always used a horse water trough, but now I need more room. If anyone sees a problem with my plans, or has something to add, please tell me!
I hadn't thought of plastic pools before. Sand on the bottom ... Good idea.

might not be the easiest things to find right now though.
well, we have a sandy type soil here and I've used it w/o problems. I don't know about storebought washed sand, seems it may be a might coarse by itself.

Sandy dirt has good grit.
I went shopping for a pool yesterday, and can you believe it, they didn't have ANY this time of year! But I have another idea for a brooder, it is a HUGE plastic tank that is used to store apple cider, that the warehouses use. You can't believe what kind of junk someone can find for free! I'm going to cut it in half, the sides will be taller than the pool, so that should be nice. I had my last two shipments of chicks in my laundry room inside horse water troughs, but now I have to move them to the daylight basement for more room. Although I don't like the idea of dust all over my nice guest bed, couch, and other decorations! Thanks for the ideas.
A daylight basement is just one with windows. We also have a door to the outside in it. I am planning on getting everything set up today and tomorrow, so I'll post pics when I'm finished!
Well, here is one of the brooders. It's 4 by 4 ft, the bottom and half way up the sides are plastic, and we left the plastic tub inside the box to make the sides taller, and keep the heat in. The feeders and waterers are on boards to keep the shavings out. The only thing I have left to do is cover the shavings with newspaper and paper towels, and add the waterers when the chicks get here. I'm working on getting the temp stable right now. Unfortunately my camera isn't working properly, and all my pictures are tuning out fuzzy.



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