What Size No Crow Rooster Collar Should I get?

Are they bad for roosters? I started another thread on it once, and everybody said it would not hurt them it was fine..........
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Ilovefarming: I don't think they are bad for roosters. There are a lot of mixed opinions about these. They can be bad if the person using them is being irresponsible. They are not something you just stick on the bird and leave. They will need to be checked on and adjusted. I check each of my roosters collars everyday, and adjust them as needed.

Also, the rooster will act like your killing him at first, and you will be tempted to take it off, but don't. Mine would shoot backwards trying to get there head out of the thing, and then would stand in a corner to sulk. they get over it in around an hour (usually...i had one who sulked and tried to get free for 4 hours). Just let them figure it out, but watch him or check on him a lot while he is getting used to it so he does not hurt himself.

Best of luck!
My boy was wearing one for going on 7 months now. The other day I had to readjust it and I think I set it where it was maybe resting against arterie? He died suddenly last night I am so heart broke he was my pet :'(

RIP Forest

I'm really interested in the answer for size to buy. Can people just post what sizes they bought for different breeds of chickens?
if you go to the website, they have examples of what breed would go with what collar, then you can look up the example breeds size and figure out what size you need. Click on each size to see their breed examples.

I did see the website's information for sizing but they had conflicting info so I wanted people's advice who had already purchased one for sizing help. When you click on the link "download illustrated instructions" that is on the individual sizes page, it says to use a tape measure to measure around the neck at the point it will be and then add 1 1/2 inches to that total for the correct size. Well my marans roosters neck measures 4"'s so that's 5 1/2"'s total or a size small. Well that doesn't seem right....and guess what, received my size large in the mail today and I can easily wrap that thing twice around his neck which makes it hard to get snug. Oh well...I've been using my own homemade concoction of Velcro strips which has worked but they were rough on the skin of their necks. We'll see if the real deal is any better in that regards.
It's easy to say it's cruel to put a collar on a rooster that keeps him from crowing. It's easy to say if you don't like the crowing, don't keep a roo. But that's also an oversimplification. Why are the people you are responding to resorting to the collar? What are the other solutions? Give it away/butcher? Most people who can keep roos have "enough" of them and don't want another. I would love to let my roo crow to his hearts content, however I live in a municipality where he is not allowed to exist as long as he crows. So it's "inhumane" to put a collar on him to save his life? As opposed to the other option where I do butcher him and perpetuate the overkilling of the less desirable male chicken? What of the benefit/his contribution to the flock? He protects his girls, and keeps them from picking fights with one another. It's well known that a rooster keeps the flock more stable. While yes, careless keepers may have failed to use and observe the collar's effect, it can be used effectively with little harm. I trust in my decision to limit his crowing over killing him/giving him away to be killed against his, mine, and the flock's will.

Related to that however, what are people's thoughts on decrowing procedures? Better but I have not been able to find a price for the job.

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