What Temp Is Too Cold To Brood In?

That is way too much heat, and a fire hazard. Really, a 75 watt bulb would be plenty. Do you have a thermometer? Temp at the surface for day-olds should be about 90F. You drop it by 5F a week until it is at room temp. At 4-5 weeks your birds only need it to be 70F on the floor of their brooder. Get a thermometer and see how hot the brooder actually is. They are too young to cook!

Falling ssleep. Night!
Just saw this, we always use multiple thermometers . The thermometers said about 55 degrees under lights, they were set pretty high up , thanks!
How are those chickies doing now? Assume they are big enough to not need supplemenal heat any more? Where in this world are you located (approximately)?

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