What temperature for outside - play and permanently?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
Hi all,

We are raising chicks for the first time - we have 8 Isa Brown chicks.

Everything I read says once chicks are over 2 weeks old they can go outside to play if it's warm. Anyone have a temperature that it's ok to put them out at for like 30-60minutes? Today is sunny and is a high of 63 degrees F. I'd like to put them out for a bit.

Also, they are currently living in our kitchen in a box. They are probably around 4 weeks old (we've had them for 3 weeks and the place we got them from said they get them when they're about a week old). They are starting to get their feathers, but I don't think they're fully feathered. I'm done with them living in my kitchen! They are making a ton of dust all over the counters and floor when they fly around in their box. Currently our temperatures are typically in the high 40s to 60s in the daytime and 30s at night. I'm sure it's too soon to put them outside for good, even with the red light we have on them, right? So at what point can they start living outside full-time with the red light? Does anyone have any tips on keeping the dust down so I don't mind them being in the house in the meantime?

Thanks, Jen
Think about it this way... If the chicks were with momma, they would be going out to scratch, catch bugs, eat grass, etc. when they were 3 days old.. I have chicks that are just under a week old.. I take them outside when it's sunny and in the 70's right now.. If they get chilly, they will start peeping.. One of my chicks loves to follow me everywhere and when i am weeding the garden, it will go between my legs and nestle down between my knees to keep warm and take a little nap.. Then when it wakes up, she starts wandering and pecking around again.. lol

I have some chicks that I just moved outside yesterday, Brahmas and Faverolles, and silkies. Youngest are around 3 weeks and oldest around 6 weeks. They are in a hardwire cloth pen. THere is a heat bulb in there, and they are about 1 inch off the ground. I cover the whole brooder at night.
mine are 4 weeks, have alot of feathers and I took them out at 50 degrees for 2 hours. They did just fine. They played around like it was nothing. I would have left them out there longer if I had a fence. The best advice Ive seen on here is give it a try and see how the chicks act. But sounds to me like your temperatures and chick ages are fine. But another good piece of advice was you can put them anywhere as long as its heated. If you have a coop already take the heat lamp out there.

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