What the heck is Hennifer Lopez?


Jul 2, 2022
So my initial post got lost in the abyss so I’ll just ask what I really want to know the most…what the heck is Hennifer Lopez? She was a TSC “black sex link” but looks nothing like her almost solid black “sister” now at 9 weeks, though they were identical as baby chicks, both black with some light grayish whitish fluff on their chests. I’m thinking Easter Egger? Or just very colorful BSL? Or Mutt chicken eggstrordinaire? Legs are funky yellowish with black splotches, beak black with yellow, black pigment around her eyes and little fluff around her “ears” and totally different body, head, beak and feathers than her BSL “sister”… the last pic you can see the BSL and also my RIR for color reference as her gold is more brown not reddish like the RIR. thoughts? 80561127-BF56-4944-8E02-3A17F669E0B3.jpeg 355EA31F-94D8-44A6-8682-82596341D196.jpeg FA01281D-912E-4E94-8262-6295CC3B3713.jpeg

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