What The Heck is This??!!

I think she's feeling better, she does these soft clucks at me when I open the bathroom door :) She hasn't made much noise at all for the past few days. I added the yogurt to her feed mash and gave her some grit (she pecked at that immediately) and then she was eating the mash as I was cleaning up the bathroom. She also seems more responsive, the other day I would toss meal worms in there and she was like meh, whatever but now today she pounces on them and looks up at me for more lol!

Been reading about peritonitis and it sounds like there's no treatment? Or maybe there's no cure, but you can treat it I guess, but it will come back repeatedly and eventually kill the hen? And it seems contagious? *sigh* Anyway, I will keep her separate for awhile and hope for the best!
This is great news, she sounds so sweetie!!! I wouldn't venture too far from "The Now"...just enjoy the fruits of your labors!!! I know you will keep an eye on her anyway going forward...everything is working out great!! None of this is your fault, you inherited these hens, and you are taking such GOOD care of them. Love the soft clucking!! Wow!!!
This is great news, she sounds so sweetie!!! I wouldn't venture too far from "The Now"...just enjoy the fruits of your labors!!! I know you will keep an eye on her anyway going forward...everything is working out great!! None of this is your fault, you inherited these hens, and you are taking such GOOD care of them. Love the soft clucking!! Wow!!!

Thank you!! Yeah I haven't wanted to read a whole lot because it's two-fold, while you learn about something which is good, sometimes you also learn the worst case scenario :/ So, I'm choosing to stay positive and take it as it comes, there's only so much I can control.

So the soft clucking, do you know what that means in chicken language?
How are you two doing today, @MesMama
? Good morning!

Hanging in! She's wanting out of that kennel ;o She's much more normal acting so that's great! Did the bread trick with the meds again, worked like a charm :)
Awwww, great news...so glad...so what are your thoughts re: quarantine? I wonder what your vet would suggest, or what is suggested around this forum, cause it sure sounds like it was a bacterial infection/lash egg thing....diagnosing based on her great response to the Baytril....

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