what the holy hellfire is the secret to keeping chick's water clean??

Chicken Fruit

10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
Echo Homestead
AHHH! I ususally put a piece of cardboard under the waterer to help.. but i still have to empty it out a couple times a day to keep it clean.

I suppose its no the end of all things- it just seems like someone should have figured out a better plan by now.

Iam just using those simple red screw-a-jar-on-the-top waterers from TSC.
Raise the waterer. I had a bunch of 12"x12" by 1 inch thick boards I found right before I got my chicks. I started with one board and kept adding a board and raising it as the chicks grew.
You want it at the height of your smallest chick's back.
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dance in a circle while reaching your hands back to touch your elbows and clucking like...well, like a chicken!

it works everytime
Make a frame out of 1 inch wood and cover with 1/4 hardware cloth to set the waterer on. This also helps keep the chicks out of the wet bedding.
I also raise the water feeder, kept on putting thick paving tiles under it as the chicks grew. They still manage to get feathers, pea straw in it but no way as back as before
I am so glad that someone asked this question!!! I am so tired of changing the water out. Those little girls just keep getting it all mucked up! I will work on doing this tomorrow morning when I can get outside and find some wood to put under it. I am also using the red jar screw things too.
Raising it doesn't work for me- they just hop up, turn around to brag about their prowess and POO! I am resigned to changing the water every few hours.
I HAVE been! I think theyre laughing at me...

i think puting it up a little with some mesh wire is a good idea. That makes sense. I dont have to worry about wet spots in the bedding. I use Cozy 'n fresh pellet bedding. I've had insane luck with it. I love it. No stinkies, no wet spots, no cedar, plus it burns great, and it composts wonderfully.

I think i'll try a little wire mesh platform...
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I have changed the water 4 times and will again before saying good night.
and thats 20 in the brooder in our bathroom .
but it comes with the territory LOL
But I have raised mine on a board.

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