What time are you leaving the house this morning? And where to?

Leaving at 9am to go to the Royal Fair in Toronto.....promised our daughter two days at the Royal Fair because we didnt get to the congress in Ohio.....this is the 2nd day ...We watched the Rodeo on Sunday ......
Most days I do not leave my house. I support all of those coming and going in this house.

3:30am - DH is up and off to work

6:30 am 1 DD is up and off to school by 7:30

7:15am oldest DD is and off to morning classes

1pm oldest DD is usually heading out to the ER where she works full time in 12 hour shifts.

3:30 youngest DD is home but 2 days a week she has after schoolclasses so those days are a 4:15 pickup.

1day a week I pick up our fresh raw jersey cow milk - 35 min round trip.

Then there is breakfast, lunch and supper for the 2 yr old and anyone else in the house.

There are also house chores, barn chores, BYC time, sewing, soaping, holiday planning etc etc etc.

Busy times here.
May I steal some of your energy?
I had to send out an email to a 4-H member's mom so I had to check back in to BYC.

I had to run down the road this morning again...after I was showered and ready for my day. The kids forgot to mention that they finished the last of the hay last night. So I went to my SIL's farm and got some hay to last the week.

Now I am off to teach history/geography, science, Bible, (I teach these to kids as a group, I would lose my santity teaching 3 different kids and 2 too young all of these subjects too:)) and the rest of the individual subjects the kids have.

And no I am not supermom. I take really good vitamins!!! The kids have their chores around the house and they handle all the animal chores. Tuesday and Thursday are our busy days. Next year they won't be bad since I won't be running to preschool. It is just a season.

Have a great day everyone....safe travels for the long drives today.
I leave the house 10 to 8 - to take one child to school, come home then feed and water animals (and this morning shovel snow off the deck) then 9am leave again to take other child to school.

Get back home and get to work!
I left at 8:20 for my class at 8:25, amazingly I made it on time. Class only lasted 10min. so I went to the library went online while waiting for my next class at 9:25, that class was cancelled. Since I can't drive I had to wait to be picked up, now I'am at home and will be going back to school at 1 until 6:50
I hate being there so long! I hate the gaps in my classes its drawing 1-2:50 then photography 5-6:50.
I'm with MP. I usually don't leave the house in the morning, unless I really need to mail a package.

This morning, I got up and checked my bator. Got the boys up and dressed. Made breakfast. Let the chickens out in the run, fed & watered them and Jake the turkey. Put the dogs out and gave them fresh water. Came inside and started making chicken stock, my house smells wonderful.
Just made the boys lunch, scanned some paperwork over the WM dumpster company who is dropping that off later, now I'm going to wander out in the kitchen and find myself something to eat, since I haven't eaten anything yet.

I also have some Netflix movies in, so I'm calling it a lazy day since it's bitterly cold here. I cannot wait until it snows, because that feels like insulation in this horrid weather! LOL

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