What Time Is My Rooster Crowing


Aug 18, 2020
My rooster has been crowing for the past 5 days once a day. I have a automatic coop light that turns on at 4:am. Do you think he is crowing at that time and I’m not hearing it? He seems to crow once a day. Will he crow more?
My rooster has been crowing for the past 5 days once a day. I have a automatic coop light that turns on at 4:am. Do you think he is crowing at that time and I’m not hearing it? He seems to crow once a day. Will he crow more?
Every rooster seems to be different! Every rooster I have had has crowed the moment they see light! Each of my roosters have varied as far as how much they are crowing. I have one right now that crows all day long!
Most people want their roosters to crow less... he might as he gets older or if flock dynamics change.
My rooster crows at dawn, and if something is going on within his sight. Like a guard dog. He's pretty dang quiet.
Most people want their roosters to crow less... he might as he gets older or if flock dynamics change.
My rooster crows at dawn, and if something is going on within his sight. Like a guard dog. He's pretty dang quiet.
I’m really happy with his crowing right now. Once a day midday is fine.
But do you think he is crowing at 4 am when the light turns on but I don’t hear him? Or he will change?

The reason I’m worried about is that I have neighbors the same distance from the coop as me. I have 9 ducks and they do make a lot of noise but they don’t start until 8 am.
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