What to add to a dust bath???


Mar 15, 2022
I’ve read so many different things, but what do y’all suggest?

I will be adding DE but what else? What sand is best? All purpose, river, play?

Which dirt is best as well? I know chickens have a fragile respiratory system so I’m hesitant to use anything ultra fine.

Thanks y’all!
Okay thank you. Why is DE bad? If not DE would First Saturday Lime be better?
It's bad because it is a respiratory irritant. I wouldn't use lime either.
Just dirt. Dry dirt. That's all they need. They will dig holes in it themselves. As long as it's dry, they will do the rest.
It's bad because it is a respiratory irritant. I wouldn't use lime either.
Just dirt. Dry dirt. That's all they need. They will dig holes in it themselves. As long as it's dry, they will do the rest.
Okay, thank you for explaining, I’ve heard some many mixed opinions on DE, it crazy how controversial chicken care can be.😜😅
I use compost from the nursery that I buy in bags. Organic only. When it’s all used up I give it to my trees and refill the pen

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