What to charge for free-range organic chicken?

Well, if I did that, too, I have to pen them.


Well in the midwest it's kind of strange most people in born and raised in rural areas Organic is not that big a deal. But as you get closer to some of the larger cities the market improves for organic.

Also those who have moved in from either coast are more likely to want organic food. Then those who are Native.

So it kind of depends on where in Iowa you are. If you are not to far from one of the larger cites you should have a good market. A simple advertiesment in the wanted ads would be a good start in one of the newspapers of a larger city.

FYI a larger city out here is about 35,000 people.

Some of those people that on advertise http://www.eatwild.com/ ship around the country. At least one of them gets there packaging labels from my wife and they ship mostly to both east and west coast.

Also out here the level of inspection and certification of the processor makes a difference of who you can sell you chickens to.

Thank you, that is all very helpful. We are about 2 hours north west of Des Moines, 3 hours south of Minneapolis-which is really not a great place to be-surrounded by small towns and farmers who think food is SUPPOSED to be bathed in pesticides...sigh...I went organic just because of the principle, it burns me that our food is so far removed from its natural state anymore. But I found out AFTER the fact that organic feed is not easy to come by here, I have to drive for it and pay a fortune, which is really jacking up my costs. i want to to stay organic, but I dont know if I am going to be able to get the prices I would need aorund here to justify doing so. Maybe if I advertised online...that eatwild place...is that liek a coop of sorts? Anybody here familiar with how it works?
you can also put your chickens on local harvest . com


if you're going to be selling to the public, make sure you are following the rules of your state. you don't want to get sued.
someone once told me that if you say 'organic' that you must be licensed and certified with the state, but that is here in IL. Not sure if that applies to IA or not. Average for here is $3.50/lb
I am checking on that...I beleive it depends on how much in sales you do in Iowa, but I have yet to make sure. We are still a ways out from processing, so I have a little time to figure it out. I have all of the documentation in order though.
I recently bought 2 organic chickens from a neighbor. I did not ask before hand what they would cost and still do not know how much I paid per pound. I know stupid. The 2 chickens cost me 36.00.. I was kind of in shock. But I have to say it was the best chicken I have ever eaten.

Thinking of raising some of my own. In fact I have two many roosters and 2 of the 3 may end up in the pot.
You are about 2 hours south of me. IMO, not a great place to sell organically. You may be better off selling "farm fresh" or 'free range' or semi free range or whatever. It's save you a lot on feed that way and your chicken will still taste and be better than the store bought stuff.

Either way, like one poster said, figure out your costs, then add 20-30%

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