What to do with DOGS

We personally don't buy any chickens from the "supermarket" any longer unless it is clearly labelled that they had humane treatment and they were not given meds etc.... After watching food inc that cured me! i had NO idea they were treated like that...
i'd much rather scare something off first - as i wrote we are probably going to try the paintball idea - that way the owner will at least know it has been somewhere and made someone unhappy and they might keep it in. We dont' try to talk with dog owners any longer - it is much like everything else - the dog did nothing wrong, they need their freedom - how dare we - those conversations can be most unpleasant
i did think of a note in the mailbox though... might do that if they show up again... my son whacked one with a broom, so it might not come back - i hope

I really think the main issue is the right to peaceful enjoyment of property - not to have another person's animal on our land disturbing our peace and animals....
A slug in a shotgun will do in a bear as will some of the larger buck shot loads.

If you knew anything at all about shotguns and how far they can shoot you'd not be saying what you are.

As in all cases when you use a weapon you need to hit a critical spot in order to kill.

ETA: Just so you understand one of the 16 guage full choke shotguns that is standing in my den closet has downed an adult male black bear at further than 30 feet.

Thanks for this - i thought my friend used a shot gun for bear and he use to hunt every year - bagged quite a few of them - had rugs on the floor - not my taste mind you - but... (i say use to because he died suddenly of a heart attack at age 40)
You asked and answered the question.... if you read through other things I wrote here... I did rescue dogs for YEARS..... you know, the dogs no one wants and they get discarded because idiots buy them thinking they are cute little puppies, stuff them in a kennel and go to work all day and never spend any time potty training or behavior training, then dump them on society!!! Well, i use to do that.... fix other's problems.... and i was DARN good at it too if i say so myself... I probably just got burnt out on DOGS coming first... rescue dogs have so many issues usually that they require an enormous amount of attention - as my health failed and my daughters did and i had less time for the dogs, it became clear that my priorities were messed up.... I gave back my last rescue dog about a year and a half ago - she was a neurotic little poodle. But, I gave her back house broken and much less neurotic, and with a list of things she would need to be comfortable - such as a VERY quiet home without a lot of activity - as long as i worked with her, she could not get use to chaos. Whatever happened to her in her little life before made her already nervous nature a wreck.
So, that is about it........ too many needy dogs that were messed up by BAD owners... I chose not to deal with them any longer - and i don't want them in my yard - period... except my neighbor's dog - I like her
She never comes all the way onto my property - just looks over at me and I say, "go home" and she wags her way home.... if only they all did that.... you know, you say, "GET" and they do....they don't go over to your propane tanks and PEE on them! or CRAP on your lawn for you to step on...

Now it makes sense, thank you
I didn't read all, generally lots of times I don't have time and I just respond to what I have written and the response

As far as the issue of the pee and poo - oh yes I am with you on that one. I own a small general store, and me and my dogs live on the property. What do you THINK happens here? It's ALASKA all dog should RUN FREE - even if it's right on the highway. Morons. Of course, once a dog is let out... BEELINE for my place. I am fortunate in that we have LARGE windows and I catch each owner as they are letting them out. Often my comment is "I have SEVEN dogs to clean up after, I don't need one more."

I did rescue for around 10 years - I think that is just it for me - that and it is my land and i want peace and quiet and enjoyment without others animals on it disturbing things. I hate to run out in my jammies! Granted they are cute flannel jammies, but still.... I could see where you live that being a HUGE issue!! and 7 is MORE than enough to clean up after! yikes! that is almost a full time job
It's all plain and simple. Keep an eye on your animals and make sure they stay home. If not, work with them or contain them. As for neighbors dogs. Inform the neighbor there pet is a problem. If ignored then call animal control. If that does't work call the law. If you have to mark the animal with a paint ball gun or trap it do so.

It doesn't have to get ugly. Everyone has a right and obviously everyone has an opinion. It doesn't have to get complicated. Everyone protects their property their way. If you don't want animals tresspassing do what is mentioned above. If you don't mind it........... fine, so be it.
Just call the police file a complaint!! No need to shoot anything ,if it has not killed anything of yours. It is the owners fault not the dogs fault.
Puredelite, just a warning. As you live in Virginia, please remember it is now a felony to shoot a dog unless it is in the act worrying livestock or physically threatening you or your domestic pets. A game warden is legally bound to kill dogs found to be chasing deer. If you kill a dog on your property that is simply passing through you are taking a huge risk.

Note - I absolutely defend your right to protect your animals from aggressive dogs. However, the law is the law in our state and we must not kill dogs without good reason, unless we want to end up facing jail time. I would suggest a large livestock guardian breed like an Anatolian to protect your animals.
i did that where I lived before - it does NO good - what happens is - you file a complaint - then they police go talk with the dog owners and say, "please keep your dogs controlled" - then they come back on your property - and you file another complaint - then the police go and talk with the dog owners again and say, "please do this or you will be fined next time"
the third time you have to GO TO COURT to get anything done. It is rediculous how the laws protect others who are doing wrong.... Sad, but it is true.
They were back again today........... lovely! just lovely...

Wrote up a warning - calling animal control.... after that, it is up to the dog owners to keep their dogs out of our property - if they love their fido they will....... I did rescue for years and loving an animal does not mean allowing it to roam free everywhere! They get hurt, hit by cars, attacked, shot at or shot, eat things that poison them etc.... it is NOT love to allow them just to run free.... That is why in order to adopt a rescue animal you have to sign an agreement that you will KEEP THEM FENCED in.... for cats you have to keep them INSIDE your house. Granted many don't do this - like one lady who 3 days after adopting a 3 legged dog had it in the front yard and it ran in front of a car and got killed in front of her children!
This post was not about DOGS - it is about the right property owners and chicken/livestock owners have to not have someone elses dog on the property worrying them.
I'm not going to spend money to keep someone elses dogs under control - also my animals are always under control... if i take on the responsibility for an animal, it stays where it is safe - and that should be my own property! but they are NOT safe if others don't control their animals...
it is frustrating and that is why people's dogs get poisoned or shot - people get frustrated.......
Still not understanding where this is the dogs fault. Go after the owner not the dog. If it is not killing chickens you don't kill it for bad owners. Or because police don't act as quickly as you like. Still not the dogs fault it is there nature to roam if not confined.
I have lost well over 100 birds over the years, so no warning shots here...I shoot to kill. A woman just got attack by 2 dogs here today(Dayton), she was just walking her dog. Police had to shoot one when they attack the police, that came to help her.

If people don't want their dog killed, keep them under control. What would be better if owner got a few days in jail for their dogs running loose.

Whats kills the 2nd most chicken and even some people too. DOGS DOGS DOGS

Just to add, those of us farmers that do raise chickens for meat, do so respectfully and we love them. A happy, healthy, loved animal is healthier for us in the long run. What you (tammy) are referring to (treating chickens poorly just because they are food stock) is industry or factory farming, NOT the people on BYC. Those of us who do raise chickens for meat is because we hate how industry treats chickens just as much as you.

That being said; Yes most of us will use deadly force to protect our livestock (and those that don't, it is their choice. Everyone has to do what they feel is best for them.
and I will not judge them) I am sorry if you don't like us killing a predator that attacks our chickens but too bad. You're opinion is not going to change my mind about what I feel I have to do to defend my animals, and to stop a predator from taking food out of my children's mouth. I have a family to feed and their life and well being comes before any neighbor's Fido. Fido attacks my chickens (aka animals that are under my protection, healthy food for my children, and possible income to help pay bills) he is attacking my lifestyle and my family's well-being as far as I am concerned. There is more to it than just one animal attacking a prey animal.

*steps off soapbox*

Back to the OP. Yes call Animal Control and if you don't get anywhere with them, call the police. I am sure there are laws about roaming animals. I am sorry you are going through this!

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