What to do with DOGS

life is always a double edged sword...be very careful which side you swing...your chickens might tresspass one day...

for a thread not to be about dogs, it certaintly is emphasised many times...
Oooo I hate it when people let there dogs roam!

I keep a gun next to the door for those reasons. Dogs who haven't killed my birds go back to the owner with a warning. A STERN warning.
Dogs who kill the first time..... Well yall know.

My birds are my pets AND my job, how I make money. I take amazing care of them and love them dearly. And sometimes to get some people to understand that they need to keep their dog in their yard certain measures need to he taken.

And as much as I love both cats and dogs I probably love my birds more than them
but I'm sure a paint ball gun would work good for awhile.
I did rescue for around 10 years - I think that is just it for me - that and it is my land and i want peace and quiet and enjoyment without others animals on it disturbing things. I hate to run out in my jammies! Granted they are cute flannel jammies, but still.... I could see where you live that being a HUGE issue!! and 7 is MORE than enough to clean up after! yikes! that is almost a full time job

Do we get to see the jammies too???

Actually, I just lost two dogs, within 3 weeks of each other *sigh* So I did have 9. Actually, the cleanup is very easy, once a day and about 10 minutes. I use a WalMart bag and those plastic deli gloves. Easy peasy

I agree with you more than you probably believe, I despise people that let their dogs roam, and I feel bad for the dogs. We will soon be moving to our other cabin, and I've been told there are two people that like to let their dogs roam. I'm sure I'll be sharing stories about that.
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Puredelite, just a warning. As you live in Virginia, please remember it is now a felony to shoot a dog unless it is in the act worrying livestock or physically threatening you or your domestic pets. A game warden is legally bound to kill dogs found to be chasing deer. If you kill a dog on your property that is simply passing through you are taking a huge risk.

Note - I absolutely defend your right to protect your animals from aggressive dogs. However, the law is the law in our state and we must not kill dogs without good reason, unless we want to end up facing jail time. I would suggest a large livestock guardian breed like an Anatolian to protect your animals.

I love my 1/2 Anatolian!
Try FreeCycle for your area. It is amazing what folks give and request- you could very well find someone whose grown son left it behind 5 years ago and want to get rid of it. I have given furniture, crafts supplies and who knows what because I found someone that would use the stuff that still had lots of life left in it. To find you local freecycle group google freecycle.com and follow the instructions. Our group covers most of Texoma and is busy, 25+ messages everyday since I joined more than 3 years ago.
life is always a double edged sword...be very careful which side you swing...your chickens might tresspass one day...

for a thread not to be about dogs, it certaintly is emphasised many times...

Um...I really doubt a chicken is going to kill someone else's pet/livestock if they get out, whereas a dog most certainly can, does, and in most cases, will.

My chickens have escaped ONCE. Know what those big, bad birds did? They calmly walked through the neighbor's backyard looking for new bugs to eat, and when I walked over there to gather them up I caught them all and took them straight back. They were gone about fifteen, twenty minutes before the neighbor called to say they were in his yard and he was enjoying his coffee on the porch, watching them, when I got there.

OP, do what you gotta do to protect your chickens and keep the neighbors dogs off your land! It sucks that anybody even has to worry about that, at all. I used to have a big problem with a neighbor who would just let their dog out the back door to roam free where it pleased. It killed two cats and tried its best to get into my yard and was shot at by my neighbor before it finally got struck by a speeding vehicle the last time they let him out. If only ALL dog owners were responsible for their animals...
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We were trying to train our dog to stay out of the garbage and off the counters. We set mouse and/or rat traps & set them in and on the garbage can and on the counters/table. It really did work for awhile, but we were not consistent with this. I don't know if setting these traps where your neighbors dogs could find them, would work, but it's another thought. You can't sit there all day holding a gun. Most dogs are trainable. We happen to have one that is not. lol. He does jump back when ever he sees a mousetrap.
We managed to train ours with a squirt water bottle and now they stop dead in thier tracks whenever they see a squirt bottle. Of course, different things work with different dogs.

I have to say, ours were too big to jump on the counters thank goodness!

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