what to do with eggs after treating with wazine

Good too see that somebody with (knowledge) of* this* has replied!!!! I assume this has something to do with worms???/worm poison ??? or about all types of worm poisons!!!! I'd like to know 2.
Depending on what source you consult you will find every answer from there is no withdrawal period to the eggs can never again be eaten. Look about the forums and you will see people saying 3-5 days, 5 days, 7day 10 days 14 days.....ALso depends where you are FDA seams much more concerned than they are here in Canada.

Piprizine same as Wazine 17 which I purchased here in Canada at a feed store indicates no withdrawal period for layers and reccomends treatment every 4 to 8 weeks.


Another site says 2 days


One saying 5-7 days


Or how about one that says 21 days


Others that says never ever


Something to keep in mind is piprazine is an organic compound used to treat worms in humans, unless there was some alergic reaction or drug interaction, it is not going to be toxic if consumed at the trace levels that would be found in an egg or meat. Consume at your own risk, but FDA says no to Wazine in layers, I am sure they have production chickens in mind and a general population that could have an alergic reaction or drug interaction.


If the FDA says no to wazine in layers, what are you supposed to use? One of our chickens had round worms in her poop. She is new, came from a friend, so we didn't bother with separating her. Now all my chickens need to be treated. Don't know what to use. The feed store only has wazine 17.
If you do a search for wazine here you will find the general consence is wazine first and then in 10-14 days ivermec pour on for cattle. My big concern was throwing away all of the eggs after the wazine. I thought it MIGHT be okay to feed to the barn cats and dogs. Just wondered if any one else had done this and had a good out come. So far I have saved them all and was looking at the trash barrel but it seems like such a waste.
Thank you for posting this as I have thought I had seen conflicting info and your post clearly shows why!

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