What to do with extra pheasant eggs?


13 Years
Jan 12, 2008
This might be a stupid question but doing my math, I'm going to have close to 700 extra eggs that won't fit in my incubator. I have over 100 ringneck hens which will lay an egg/day. That's 700 eggs/week. My bator can hold up to 1500 eggs. If my math is correct, My bator will be full in just over two weeks.
I find people interested in purchasing a few dozen eggs at a time for hatching but nothing near what I'm going to have extra in production this year. Even niche markets are few and far to be seen. I even tried pickling them to see if there was a bar market. Everyone liked them but were hesitant on trying them. Pickled chicken eggs are a big hit in bars but pheasant eggs is something new. Quail eggs are accepted but not a big thing here either.
Any ideas will be considered.
Oh, BTW. I found that pheasant eggs are VERY hard to peel. If anyone has a secret on peeling pheasant eggs, I would appreciate any ideas. I tried most methods and they all stuck to the membrane.
You can hard boil them,crush them up and feed them to your birds.They love em,but you have to crush them up so they don't know what they are eating.After you boil them cool them in cold water and they should be easier to peel.
In N.H.,Tony.
Sell them on ebay or eggbid!

There is always demand for game bird eggs the earlier in the season the better!

I am on the market for Chukar eggs if anybody has them now!
e-Bay is usually flooded with pheasant eggs by the time my hens start laying. I would practically need to give them away in order to sell anything there. Add in the insertion costs and pay-pal fees and I would be losing money. Maybe I'll try egg-bid again. I never had much luck there last year either. Maybe I can buy another bator and try to sell more chicks. I'll see what happens later.
NOT TRUE. I rarely see pheasant eggs for less than a dollar a peice on ebay ever! And if you can offer larger lots you will also be ahead of your competition.
Find a youth home, Homeless shelter a donate the eggs to them to eat. 700 HUNDRED eggs is a lot of meals for someone that doesn't have anything else to eat.
Sounds like a good problem to have. Good Luck
Tony, when you crush up the hard boiled eggs for the birds to eat do you mean shells 'n' all??!!

My new birds adore grapes, spinach and lettuce by the way...but they won't touch carrots!

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