What to do with the run ???


9 Years
Oct 10, 2010
So I'm almost done with the coop and I'm planning the run in my head. It's going to be 15' x 6' and they will have an additional space under the coop. So in total 120 sq ft. The run is going to be bordered by landscape timbers. It will also have a slant tin roof. It will be totally enclosed with 1/2" hardware cloth.

My question is about the floor. I'm shooting for the best solution for clean and ease of care. I have read several threads but still unsure what to do. I'm thinking of concrete covered with sand. I would love to hear from some of y'all who have tried several options. Thanks

Personally, I think the concrete is overkill, but if you have money burning a hole in your pocket, then by all means, send it to me...I mean go ahead with your plan...lol.

I do love sand! It looks like your coop/run will be on a bit of a slope??? That's great for drainage. I might go two landscape timbers deep along the bottom frame...lay down landscape fabric, smallish gravel (depending on whether bantams or LF will be kept there), and then several inches of sand. The sand is SO easy to clean. And if you buy it from a mulch company or similar place, it's MUCH cheaper than buying it by the bag. I get the coarse stuff that has a bit of tiny pea gravel mixed in. Grit and bedding all together!

PS - cute coop!
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I have tried dirt, pine shavings and sand. I have to sand is my favorite. Easy to clean, just rake and scoop. Also it is cheaper to replace. There is also something called Stall Clean which keeps the flies down.
cool, no not more money then I need for sure. I'm just trying to make it as easy as possible to maintain. I'm for sure using sand ... I like the idea of rocks on the bottom.
I have tried sand. It was great for a small amount of birds in a small run. I raked it about once a week. Once we moved them to bigger space (one is 7x12 and the other is 10x10) I started using deep straw, and I sprinkle DE on it before putting fresh straw on top about once a month. It has worked very well, and is pretty simple. No raking!
Sand works pretty great in a run from all I've read, especially if it is roofed.
Might want to slope the roof down hill with plenty of overhang to get the water away from the run.

Think about extending your hardware cloth run walls down about 2" under and 18" out, covering the corners too, to deter diggers.

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