What to do!?!

Ok I see your point... it seems to be easing up just a tiny bit. I guess I will keep an eye on it, give it some more time and hope it might just be a crazy weaning process... if it doesn't change though then I have your guy's help... THANK YOU SO MUCH!

When our Momma started weaning the chicks from her it was sometimes a heartbreaking process, one night when they all went to roost she found herself a quiet spot in a corner, of course thats where the chicks headed, she dealt ok when the first jumped up but when the second and third joined them she flipped, started pecking at them and when one of the chicks wasnt fast enough she grabbed the feathers at the base of its neck and literally dragged it out of the coop... That was the worst of it, it got better after that and within a few days the chicks gave her a wide berth, its been several weeks since they have been on there own but they have found there own roost and seem to do fine within the flock......They get the occasional peck to get out of the way but its alot better and I have seen a few times the chicks in the middle of the flock out in the yard relaxing during the day..
Thank you AmericanMom for your story it makes my situation seem more normal... it has been so sad seeing the change but I understand its for the better and the process. Like I said there already seems to be a little change for the better. On a side note atleast the babies are spending Kate time with me more
Thank you AmericanMom for your story it makes my situation seem more normal... it has been so sad seeing the change but I understand its for the better and the process. Like I said there already seems to be a little change for the better. On a side note atleast the babies are spending Kate time with me more

I know, I would stand outside the coop and my heart went out to the poor things, But I knew I had to leave them unless it got bloody because they are "part of the flock" and thats where I wanted them to be....Being raised by the hen i could never get to close ( I dont hold them) she was always the weird one that ran away when we came out with scraps and although they arent that bad they dont accept food from my hand..

I just recently incubated and was able to hatch 20 chicks, I do pick them up

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